February 13, 2014

Life Tree“But how can they call on [Jesus] to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14 NLT)

Here’s a statistic to chew on: Add up the weekly worship attendance of every congregation in Mosinee, and maybe about a thousand folks find their way to a church any given Sunday. About 4,000 souls call Mosinee home, and three-quarters of them don’t hear the Word of God preached or sung or prayed on a regular basis!

Does that break your heart like it breaks mine? Like it breaks the heart of Jesus?

It isn’t that these unchurched folks don’t have a curiosity and a hunger for spirituality. Like all of us, they hanker for answers to the difficult questions of life, questions that can only be answered by faith. But for one reason or another, they are profoundly uncomfortable coming to a church to get those answers.

This is why Mosinee UMC is launching Lifetree Café in our community. Lifetree Café offers weekly videos and stimulating conversation in a comfortable, coffee-house atmosphere. The topics are ripped-from-the-headlines relevant:

  • Do Good Dogs Go To Heaven?
  • God and Gays.
  • The Struggle To Forgive.
  • Wounded Warriors. (Veterans)
  • Pass or Fail? (The State of Education)
  • Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening?
  • Friends For Life.
  • Family Secrets.
  • Living With Autism.

This is powerful stuff! But it can’t happen without a team of big-hearted folks willing to make it a reality. On Sunday, February 16, we’ll talk about the program in church. Tuesday, February 18, come to church at 6pm for a soup supper and video introduction to the series.

Jesus said, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields” (Luke 10:2). How will the people of Mosinee hear about Christ unless someone tells them? I pray that God will raise up servants in our congregation to glean our city and bring in the harvest!

Pastor Park