Our confirmation program will use Bishop Willimon’s Making Disciples plan, which pairs confirmands with mentors.
Here is our schedule of activities…
Nov. 19, 6:00pm Call-out dinner and information
Jan. 7, 5:30pm Kick-off dinner, meeting with prayer group
February, TBA Spirituality retreat (St. Anthony Center, day)
March, TBA Methodism retreat (Pine Lake Camp, overnight)
March 23, 11:00am Confirmands presented to Church Council
March 31, 6:30am Confirmands plan & lead Easter sunrise service
Apr. 7, 8:30/10:30am Confirmands presented to church, take vows
Before April 7 each pair of confirmands and mentors will meet together a dozen times to cover the sessions listed in the Making Disciples guide. These cover the topics: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, worship, the Bible, saints and gifts, ministry, baptism, spiritual life, death and resurrection, and life in the church. During this time they may do a variety of activities with their mentor and fellow confirmands…
- Read the gospel of Luke and make some notes.
- Pray for each other.
- Attend communion together.
- Visit another church.
- Make a banner to hang in church.
- Interview a “saint” in the congregation.
- Volunteer for a mission (the Community Center of Hope or our church work day are good places to start).
- Attend a baptism (Dec. 30, 10:30 at Mosinee, or ??) and a funeral service.
- Attend a church council or committee meeting during church work mornings on the 3rd Saturday each month.
We are planning two confirmation retreats. We strongly encourage participants to attend both. One retreat on spirituality will be equivalent to session 10 in Making Disciples. The other retreat on Methodism is equivalent to session 12 in Making Disciples. Youth and adults from other churches will be attending these retreats. There will be a small cost for these retreats. If the cost is an obstacle, let Pastor Park know and we can help.
The morning of March 23, mentors will present their confirmands to the Mosinee UMC Church Council to talk about their readiness for confirmation. Following this, on April 7 each student who chooses will take the vows of membership before the church congregation at either the early or late service.