Do you have a prayer request? Please contact our Prayer Team Leader, Carol Anderson, at 715.693.6195, or submit the form on the Contact Page.
Do you have a prayer request? Please contact our Prayer Team Leader, Carol Anderson, at 715.693.6195, or submit the form on the Contact Page.
Ministering to the needs of others is a hallmark of United Methodism. Service work provides the opportunity for fellowship and faithfulness, and everyone has gifts to share. Check out our weekly eNews for current opportunities to love and learn.
We believe our lives should show the transformative power of Jesus Christ through our words and our deeds. Through times of prayer, acts of service and faithful presence, we learn how to share Jesus’ love with others.
There are many ways to financially support the church. You can leave an offering during service or mail one in or we also offer online giving via your credit card, debit card or banking information, processed through VANCO. Learn more on our Give page.
Welcome to Mosinee United Methodist Church website. I am so glad you have chosen to check us out online today and I hope you allow us to connect and walk with you on your journey with Jesus. At Mosinee UMC, you will find a place to belong; a place where you can be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to meet the practical needs of living in today’s world; a place where you can experience God and become all that God wants you to be.
Mosinee UMC is a welcoming church. We are committed to reaching people with the message of God’s love and grace. Worship, Bible study, mission, LIFT (Living In Faith Together), Prayer and more are available at Mosinee UMC. While we have tried to give you a glimpse of who we are and what we do, the best way to know us fully is by spending time with the people who call Mosinee UMC their spiritual home. If you are hungry for a touch from God and desire to grow closer to Jesus, this is the place to be. It is always our desire that all people will meet God and as a result, give their lives to Jesus.
In the Lord Christ’s Love,
Pastor Grace
Worship services are inter-generational and casual, so please come as you are! Please sign up for our eNews for more information on our weekly service.
Sunday: 9:00am in-person or live on Zoom.
To access online: Please click the zoom link below Sunday at 9:00am to join worship service.
Go to the website: www.zoom.us , enter in the meeting ID 810 5951 1230 and password: 234323
To access by phone: Please call +1 312 626 6799 Sunday at 9:00am, and then enter the meeting using ID 810 5951 1230 and password: 234323